It was days of rain. Days. And Figgy lay inside, looking out. When we did open the back door, she set world records. Out she went. Relieved herself. Barked to come in. Less than 2 minutes, and barely wet fur. 

Finally, on Sunday morning, I took her for a walk to The Great Circle. A steady drizzle fell, but there were no people around, and more importantly, there were squirrels everywhere!

Figgy, always a reliable dog to let off leash, stayed within sight, but kept a greater distance than usual. This first taste of freedom in days was too good. And the squirrel chasing — it was incredible.


Once in a lifetime.

We walked the circumference of the 2,000-year-old Earthworks. Once out of the Great Circle, Figgy ran back and forth on the open grounds, from tree to tree. She paused to look up a tree trunk, barked, then ran a hundred yards toward another squirrel, to another tree. Again. And again.

Every other dog was inside. Every other master was cozy. But Figgy and I, we were gnawing on life’s sweet marrow.

Have a Bright Spot to share? Send it to Managing Editor Julia Lerner ( Tell us about the moment that made you smile in under 200 words, and try to include a photograph. We’ll add it to our growing list of Bright Spots on!