In Newark, Ohio, birthplace of Johnny Clem, the little drummer boy of the Union Army, Shirley’s neighbor is flying a Confederate flag next to his front door. Shirley (not her […]
Category: Between Coasts
Between Coasts is an initiative, begun in 2016, to empower independent journalists from “flyover” country to tell the stories of middle American in a way that corporate media, or “parachute journalism,” cannot. There have been Between Coasts forums at Denison University, Medill School of Journalism, Chicago, and in Nebraska. Stories from working journalists have been collected in the online journal Between Coasts. And Mike Croley and Jack Shuler have edited the collection of stories Midland: Reports from Flyover Country, by Tiller Press.
The Between Coasts online journal is now a feature of The Reporting Journal, and its rich store of archives will be housed here. The call for strong, in-depth, place-based local journalism is strong in Licking County and surrounding regions. It’s that call The Reporting Project answers. But the call is similarly strong all across middle America. And Between Coasts keeps us connected to those places as well.