Here’s what I like most about regional, independent journalism: it tells us stories about what matters
most to us. Where does our food come from? Who’s creating jobs in our community? Where does the
money come from? It’s so visceral. We eat multiple times a day. God willing, we get to go to a job
every day. And though this is often hard to see, someone with money is making decisions about where
a facility will go, who will have access to it, and that has consequences for everyone in that community
on a day to day level. When we consume national corporate media, we can get distracted by polarizing
issues that likely have far less relevance to the community in which we live than a good story by a local
or regional reporter. I had not heard of AppHarvest until I read this piece by Liz Carey, and I live in Ohio,
not Kentucky, so this specific situation does not apply to my community. But the larger dynamics of the
piece DO apply. All of Appalachia has suffered from extractive capitalism. Still, those left behind are
told to “get a job.” Everyone is looking for ways to provide “good jobs.” This looks like one of the better
ideas yet. But even the best idea has unintended consequences. I’m grateful for the work of Daily
Yonder and for reporters like Carey who help me know my community in this way.